Sundareez petit musings !!!!

Monday, January 07, 2013

చిదంబర రహస్యం

చిదంబర రహస్యం

మేము ఈ మధ్య పాండిచేరి వెళ్ళాం. Ofcourse, ప్లాన్ ప్రకారం నేను మా చిన్న చెల్లి - లాస్య, వెళ్ళాలి అనుకోండి. కాని మా అమ్మ, నాన్న, అసలు సిసలు చెల్లి - సౌమ్య,  ఫాలో అయిపోయారు - నిన్ను వదిలి మేము ఉండలేములే - అది నిజములే అన్నలెక్కలో అన్నమాట. మరి, పాండిచేరి లో ఒకటే గుడాయే, మా అమ్మ కి తనివి తీరదు కదా, అలా మచ్చుక్కి రెండు మూడైనా చూసేయ్యాలి కదా , మీరు మరీను... అర్ధం చేసుకోరు!

So , 'ఛలో చిదంబరం' అని ప్రయాణం కట్టాం ఒక రోజు పొద్దున్నే. పాండిచేరి నించి ఒక 90 kms దూరం అయినా, మా డ్రైవరు 'నిదానమే ప్రధానం' అన్న principle follow అయిపోయి , చక్కగా మమ్మల్ని నిండు మనుషులుగా చేర్చాడు, ఒక 2 ఘంటల్లో. నాకు ఎప్పట్నించో కుతూహలం, అస్సలీ చిదంబర రహస్యం ఏంటి చెప్మా అనీ !! అంటే, చాలా మంది first hand information ఇచ్చారనుకోండి, but still మనం experience చెయ్యందే నమ్మం కదా ...

గుడి entrance లో 3 పేద్ద రధాలున్నై, నటరాజా స్వామి వారు ఊరేగుతారన్నమాట , కామేశ్వరి దేవి తో. ఆహా, నా పేరు తో ఉన్న అమ్మవారని, మాయమ్మ మురిసిపోతూ, lead చేసేస్తోంది మా అందరిని. అంటే, మా అమ్మ కి partiality అనుకునేరు, లేదు సుమీ. ఏ గుడి ఐనా సరే, దండి మార్చ్ అని lead చేసేస్తుంది. అంటే, పాపం గాంధీ మహాత్ముడైనా, కాస్త వెనక్కి తిరిగి చూసుంటారు, మా వాళ్ళు ఉన్నారా అని. కాని, మా అమ్మ కి ఘాట్టి నమ్మకమో లేదా ఘాట్టి పరాకో తెలీదు కాని, సై మని దూసుకుపోతుంది rocket లాగా .. so , గుడి దెగ్గర మాత్రం role reversal జరుగుతుందన్నమాట , మా అమ్మ leader - మా నాన్న follower !

ప్రధాన ద్వారానికి చక్కటి శిల్పాలు చెక్కి ఉన్నాయ్. నాకు, వీటి మీద ధ్యాస ఎక్కువాయే , దాంతో నేను కాస్త వేనేకపడి పోయా. ప్రధాన వాకిలి enter అవుతూనే చాలా కూలాహలం కనిపించింది. నాకు red antenna లు అలెర్ట్ అయ్యాయి, ఏదో విశేషం జరగబోతోందని sixth sense ఘాట్టిగా డంకా కొట్టి మరీ చెప్పింది. సరే చూద్దాం అనుకుంటూ ముందుకి నడిచా. ఈ గుడి లో విశేషం ఏంటంటే, అయ్యవారు వాకిలి ని face చెయ్యటం లేదు. ప్రదక్షిణ ద్రోవలో వెళ్తే  అర్ధమయ్యింది, అయ్యవారి వామ హస్తం మేము enter అయిన వైపుందని. అక్కడ ఏదో అభిషేఖం జరుగుతోంది, మంటపం లో ఉత్స విగ్రహానికి. అది కొంచం సరిగ్గా కనిపించాలంటే, పక్కన ఉన్న మంటపం ఎక్కితే కనిపిస్తుందని అటు వైపు వెళ్ళాను. మా వాళ్ళు మాత్రం కిందనే నించుని చూస్తున్నారు. మంటపానికి మెట్లు ఎక్కుతుంటే ఎదురుకుండా నటరాజ విగ్రహం కనిపించింది, అయ్యవారు చిన్నగా ఉన్నారు, నాకు తోచలేదు, ఎందుకో అది చాలా పెద్ద విగ్రహం ఉంటుందని  ఊహించుకున్నా, so maybe ఇది అయ్యి ఉండదు అనుకుంటూ మెట్లెక్కి ఉత్స విగ్రహాన్ని తొంగి చూడటానికి ప్రయత్నం చేశా. ఆ మంటపం కప్పు చాలా కిందకి ఉంది, and బోల్డు స్తంభాలాయే. కాసేపయ్యాక గ్రహించా ఎదురుకుండా గోవింద రాజ స్వామి వారు విశ్రమించి ఉన్నారు. ఒక చోట నించే ఎడమ వైపు శయనించిన గోవిందరాజ స్వామి , ఎదురుగా ఉత్సాహం గా తాండవం ఆడుతున్న నటరాజ స్వామీ. ఎప్పుడూ చిందులు తొక్కుతూ ఉండేవాడు, చిన్మయ వదనం తో ఆనంద తాండవం ఆడుతుంటే చూడటానికి 2 కళ్ళు చాలవు కదా, అందుకని నేను ఫ్రంట్ రో లో పడుకుని మరీ చూస్తానర్రోయ్ అనుకుంటూ, ఈయన తాండవం చూసి ఆయన ఆనందిస్తున్నాడా అనిపించింది. Amazing structural design !

ఈ లోపు, మరి లోపలేముందో అని తొంగి చూస్తే , అక్కడ ఇంకో magical step వేస్తున్న నటరాజ స్వామి. ఆయన ఎదురు కుండా, అమ్మవారు సిగ్గు పడుతూ.

సరే, మన expedition కానించి మా వాళ్ళ దెగ్గరకి వెళ్ళా. వింతగా, అంత గుంపులో గోవిందా అనకుండా, అందరూ కనిపించారు. కాసేపయ్యేసరికి, కల కలం. అభిషేకం అయిపోయిందట ఇక దర్శనం కివదుల్తున్నారని తెలిసింది. మా చెల్లి వెళ్లి అందరికి టికెట్లు తెచ్చింది. రైటో అనుకుంటూ అందరం క్యూ కట్టాం. ఇప్పుడు దర్శనానికి అయ్యవారి కుడి వైపు నుంచి enter కావాలన్నమాట. అక్కడ , 5 మెట్లు - వాటిని పంచాత్చర పది అని అంటారని తర్వాత తెలిసింది. అక్కడో యమ strict ద్వార పాలకుడు నుంచుని ఉన్నాడు. తలుపులు తెరుచుకున్నాయి, మేము ఐదు గురం ఒకళ్ళని ఒకళ్ళు అంటుకున్నామా అన్నట్టు అతుక్కుపోయాం. Ofcourse , అమ్మ gang leader as usual . కాని నాకు తెలీని విషయం ఏంటంటే.. అబ్బే ఇప్పుడే suspense reveal చెయ్యడం ఎందుకులెండి..

ద్వారం తెరుచుకుంది.. మాకు అయ్యవారి పిలుపు వచ్చింది. ఒక queue system లేక పోవడం వల్ల, మమ్మల్ని నెట్టుకుంటూ వెళ్ళిపోయారు . సగం space ఈ ద్వార పాలకుడే occupy చేసేసాడు, queue లు మాత్రం రెండు form చేయించాడు. సరే, ఏదో నెట్టుకుంటూ తిట్టుకుంటూ తోసుకుంటూ నడుచుకుంటూ మేట్లేక్కం మూకుమ్మడిగా . అమ్మ sanctum sanctorum లోకి enter అయ్యింది , next నా అసలు చెల్లి , తర్వాతా నాన్న, నేకేస్ట్టు  లాస్యా దేవి, ఫైనల్ గా నేను వెళ్ళడమే తరువాయి. కాని, అమ్మ వెళ్తూనే తలుపులు మూసుకు పోయాయ్, ధడేల్మని. మాకేమో అయోమయం గందరగోళం !! టైం అయిపోయి మూసేసాడా ఏంటి అని అర్ధం కాలేదు. మా చెల్లి ఒక పొలి కేక - 'అక్కయ్యా, వాడితో అరవం లో రవించు' -simple గా అరవం లో ఏడు అని అన్నమాట. మా ఫ్యామిలీ whole & sole కి ,మా అమ్మ అరవం లో దంచితే, నేను కాస్త ఏడ్చి పెడతనన్నమాట.  అంటే లాస్యా దేవి బాగా పాడ గలదు కూడా అనుకోండి, కాని మా చెల్లి కి ఆ ధ్యాస రాలేదు. నేను అతుక్కుంటూ అడిగా,' ఏంటయ్యా నీ గోడు' అని. 'మీరు వెళ్ళేది లేదన్నాడు'. పక్కన వాళ్ళని రమ్మన్నాడు. మా నాన్న మెల్లగా net  practise చేస్తున్నారు, అవసరం అయితే బరిలోకి దిగుదామని. అది చూస్తూనే మాకు చెమటలు పట్టటం మొదలయ్యాయి. ఎందుకంటే మా నాన్న కొడితే sixer ఏ!!

మళ్ళి కూడ పలుక్కుని దబాయిస్తే,'ticket లేందే వదిలేది లేదు పొమ్మన్నాడు. మా చెల్లి కేసి చూస్తే, అమ్మ దెగ్గర ఉన్నాయంది . ఇంకెక్కడి అమ్మ!! మా చెల్లి, ఆర్తనాదం మొదలెట్టింది - 'అమ్మా అమ్మా ' అని... 'అమ్మా అని అరచినా ఆలకించవేమమ్మా' అన్న లెక్క  లో రాగాలు తియ్యడం మొదలెట్టింది.. నేను 'ఆ లావుపాటి మామి దేగ్గరున్నయాయ్యా బాబు' అంటున్నా..నాన్న కి మెల్లగా పూనకం వస్తోంది..లాస్య విస్య్మయం లోకి వెళ్లిపోయింది.. సౌమ్య, లాభం లేదని మళ్ళి వాడికి ఆగ్లం లో చెప్పటానికి ప్రయత్నం చేస్తోంది..నేనేమో, 'అసలావిడ చేతిలో ticket లు పెట్టకూడదని తెలియదేంటే బాబూ' అని సన్నుక్కుంటున్న .. ఒక క్షణం, మేమంతా వైకుంట ద్వారం దెగ్గర ఉన్నట్టు.. మా అమ్మ తన్మయత్వం చెందిన భక్తి తో, శివ శివా - నాకు ఈ భవ బంధాలతో ముక్తి కలిగించు అనుకుంటూ లోపలికి వేల్లిపోయినట్టు, శివుడు - తధాస్తు అని ద్వారం మూయించేసినట్టు .. మేము లవ కుశు ల్లా - సీతా దేవి భూమాతతో వెళ్లిపోతుంటే గుండె పగిలి విలిపించిన తీరులో, రోదిస్తున్నాటు అనిపించింది . వైకుంటం ఏంటి - శివుడేం టి - మళ్ళి లవ కుసులేంటి , అని అడక్కండి - ఏదో ప్రాసకి వాడేసా. 

ఆ ట్రాన్స్ లోంచి, మా నాన్న పులి కేక బైటకి తీసుకోచ్చింది. మా నాన్న,  వాడికి అర్ధం అయ్యేలా, వాడి బుర్రకేక్కేలా తిట్టాలంటే ఆంగ్లం ఒకటే శరణ్యం అని decide అయిపోయి, మూడో కన్ను తెరిచారు  - ప్రళయ తాండవం ఆడటం మొదలు పెట్టారు - ఆంగ్లం లో ఆయనికి ఆయనే పదాలు పడేస్తున్నారు - పాడేస్తున్నారు..... 'Why will we lie , at a temple ? Do I look like a lier ? You will suffer , you  will die a horrible death for not letting us have darshan of the God ' ...మా చెల్లి సమాధాన పరుస్తోంది, 'నాన్న, వద్దు down ..మళ్ళి వద్దాం . ఈ సారి ప్రాప్తం లేదనుకో ...వద్దు అరవకు', అని..మేము నిరాశతో ఇక ఈ సారికి ఇంతే భాగ్యం అనుకుని మెల్లగా వెనకడుగు వేశాం . ఇంతలో ఒక వింత జరిగింది . ఇదంతా విని ఎక్కడో దూరం నించి ఒక ఆయన వచ్చారు మా దెగ్గరికి , 'ఏమిటమ్మా పెద్దాయన ఎందుకు ఆవేశ పడుతున్నారు ' అని అడిగారు. నేను, మా చెల్లి ఆంగ్లం లో రోదించాం . 'అవునా, నేను ఉన్నాను కదా - ఆరాట పడకండి, నేను ఇప్పిస్తా మీకు దర్శనం ' అని నవ్వాడు. ఆ ద్వారపాలకుడి వైపు చూసి, 'వీళ్ళని వెల్లనీ' అన్నాడు. వాడు, 'సరే రండి' అన్నాడు. 

నాకు సాక్షాత్తు పరమ శివుడు వచ్చి, నందికి - వీళ్ళని రానీ వోయ్  అన్నట్టనిపించింది.చేతులెత్తి మనసారా నమస్కరించాను. ఒక క్షణం ఆయన లోనే దేవుడు కనిపించాడు. నాకన్నా కూడా, నాకు మా నాన్న దర్శనం miss  అవుతారని బాధ. am sure , మా చెల్లి కూడా అంతే feel అయ్యి ఉంటుంది . ఈ మధ్యనే తిరువన్నామలై వెళ్దాం అని 2 నెలల ముందు నుంచి plan చేసుకుని, అనుకోని తీరులో train, life లో first time miss అయ్యి వెళ్ళలేక పోయారు. ఆ shock నుంచి ఇంకా పూర్తిగా తేరుకోలేదు. మళ్ళి ఇప్పుడు ఈ twist ఏంట్రా బాబు అని అనుకుంటూ ఉన్నా, ఈ లోపు ఆ miracle అలా జరిగిపోయింది. మళ్ళి ఎక్కడ మా నాన్నఉడుకుమోత్తనంతో, 'నేను రాను మీరు పొండి', అంటారేమో అని మెల్లగా ఆయనకి నచ్చ చెప్పి మెట్ట్లే క్కించాం  - 'శివాయ నమః ' !! మళ్ళి ఒకసారి ఆయన వైపు చూసి, చాలా thanks అని దండం పెట్టి లోపలి కి నడిచా . 

లోపలి కి వెళ్ళాక లాస్య మా అమ్మ కోసం చూడటానికి ప్రయత్నం చేసింది, నేను నవ్వి - 'ఓసి పిచ్చి పిల్ల, నీకు ఇంకా అర్ధం కానట్టుంది. మా అమ్మ కి నిజంగా మన గురించి పడితే, బైట ఇంత భాగోతం జరుగుతున్నప్పు డే ఒక సారైనా తొంగి చూసుండేది. ఆవిడ గురించి మరిచి పో . ఈ గుంపు లో, ఈ అంధకారం లో, మనకి కనిపించి ఛాన్స్ లేనే లేదు. trust me , మనం బైటకి వెళ్ళిన ఒక 15 నిమిషాల తర్వాత తను వస్తుంది. నువ్వు దేవుడి దర్సనం చేసుకో' అని ఏదో పెద్దతలకాయ్ లెక్కలో బుధ్ధి చెప్పా. అంతగా ఏం కనిపించలేదఅనుకోండి మాకు. ఇంకా, అభిషేకం అప్పుడే  చక్కగా కనిపించాడు స్వామి. ఒక 5 నిమిషాల తర్వాత మమ్మల్ని ఇందాక కరుణించిన అయ్యాన వచ్చి, 'అందరూ ఉన్నారా అని కుశలం కనుక్కుని, బైట కి వెళ్ళిన తర్వాతఫలానా చోట నించో డి , నేను ప్రసాదం తీసుకుని వస్తా' అని వెళ్ళిపోయారు. మేము కూడా, ఇంక 5 నిమిషాలకి సద్దుకుని బైట పడ్డాం. మళ్లీ బైటికి వచ్చి కాసేపు మా అమ్మ కనిపిస్తుందేమో అని చూసాం. మాకంటే కనీసం 5 నిమిషాల ముందర వెళ్ళినా, ఇంకా బైటికి రాలేదు. అప్పటికే 12 అవపోతోంది , గుడి మూసేసే time అవుతోంది. నేను already ఇందాక కొన్ని గుళ్ళు చూసా కాబట్టి , మా చెల్లిని నాన్నని వెళ్లి చూసి రమ్మని చెప్పి పంపించా. లాస్య నా తో నే ఉండి పోయింది. తను ఇంతక ముందు వచ్చింది కాబట్టి, చూడక పోయిన పర్వాలేదు అని skip చేసింది . 

మా చెల్లి, నాన్న వెళ్లి అన్నీ చూసి వచ్చినా మా అమ్మ జాడ మాత్రం తెలియదాయె. సరే, మేము turns వేసుకుని కాచుకున్నాం. ఈ సారి, నేను లాస్య ఇంకో వైపు ఉన్న ప్రాంగణ చూసి వచ్చాం. ఇంకా మా అమ్మ జాడ లేదు. సౌమ్య, నాన్న ఇంకా అక్కడే ఉన్నారు. ఇంత సేపు లోపల ఏం చేస్తోంది చెప్మా, అనుకుంటూ వెళ్ళి మా చెల్లిని వెళ్ళి అదే మాట అడిగేసా. 'అదేంటి, మీరు అటు వెళ్ళారు , మీ వెనకే బైటికి వచ్చింది - మీరు అటు వెళ్ళారంటే , నేను చూస్తానని బయల్దేరింది మీ వెన్నంటే. మీకు కనిపించలేదా?' లాస్య మళ్ళిఈ సారి ఆంగ్లం లో విస్మయం చెందింది. 'How does she do it ? How does she manage to disappear ? ' అనుకుంటూనే వెనక నుంచి ప్రత్యక్షం అయ్యింది, మా అమ్మ, నవ్వుకుంటూ. చిన్న పిల్లలు తప్పు చేసి, ఎక్కడ అమ్మ కొడుతుందో అని, ఒక innocent smile పడేస్తారు చూడండి అలా అన్నమాట. మా దెగ్గరికి వచ్చి , 'అవునే మీరిద్దరూ ఎటు వెళ్ళారు, కనిపించలేదు. అక్కడ ఎవరో ఒక అమ్మాయి చక్కగా శివుడి మీద పాటలు పాడుతోంది', అని మళ్ళి giggle చేసింది. లాస్య, మళ్ళి అదే 'How ' ప్రశ్నలు. అది తర్వాత. మనం అందరం ఇక ఇక్కడ్నించి చిత్తగిం చడం మంచిది, పడందహో అని బయల్దేరం. కాని నేను ఉండపట్టలేక అడిగేసా, కడిగేద్దాం అనుకున్నా కాని control చేసుకుని, 'అమ్మా నాన్న ఎంత upset అయ్యారు తెలుసా, అంత పని చేసావ్.' అని snub చేయ్యపోతే ఆవిడ response విని అదిరిపడ్డం. ఆ మరీను, చోద్యం. నేను ticket తీసుకెళ్ళా నే అనుకో, మీరు ఇంకో 4 కొనుక్కుని ఏడవచ్చుగా. దేవుడి దేగ్గరెంటి మీ పిసినారితనం. ఆ 200 హుండీ లో వేసామనుకుంటే పోయే అని చాళుక్కు విసిరింది. ఆహా , ఏమి presence of mind - మాకెందుకు తట్టలేదో, ఐనా తప్పు చేసి అది మా మీదే విసిరేసే తెలివితేటలూ - అవి చూసి మురుసిపోవాలా - కోపగిం చుకోవాలా . అయినా ఇలా వదిల్తే మళ్ళి నేర్చుకోదని , 'ఇంకో సారి ఇలా చేసావా నిన్ను వదిలిపెట్టి వెళ్ళి పోతాం జాగ్రత్త, హమ్మా ' అనేసా . మళ్ళి దానికింకో చెమక్కు response విసిరి తుర్రుమంది 'ఆ, నన్నొదిలి పోతే మీకు ఎవరు వందిపెడతారు'.. ఈ సారి మేమందరం హాచర్యం తో  'How ' అని ఒకళ్ళ మొఖాలు ఒకళ్ళు చూసుకున్నాం.

Monday, August 01, 2005



Well as Abhi has said – “have u ever felt like jumping off a 7 storey building? I feel like that seeing tommy at the top of your blog again. Can I expect another post before my grandson gets married?” - I thought I better post a new blog ASAP – with fear that I might lose the one and only one – good - younger brother - who doesn’t hit me - or sulk at my possessions - or grab my dolls - or eat off my chocolates - or rob my peace and sleep….

But what do I write about? Hmmmm….Lemme just post my most happening accident in recent times. Here it goes...................

Me to Radha akka (US cousin1) – on 16 May’05

Dearest Radha akka!

Howdy do? How's everyone? And how are things with you?

I'm done with my exams, back to office - catching up with backlog................

I had a real rocker 10 days last C.A (Law) exam was postponed by 6 days, in the last when I thought I could attend office .....the second day I met with an accident. Effect was Abrasion on the left leg - no broken bones...but a broken tooth ......I never realised that I actually broke a tooth until I felt air passing through when I was speaking to Soumy,my sister :-P......... rushed all my colleagues and Soumy to the hospital where I innocently asked Anu(my colleague) “ Annu! Will this tooth grow back?” . The Doc grinned at my weeping over the dressing. Well man it was real painful when they cleaned the 5” x 1 ½” wound with all that foul – pungent smelling stuff …oops liquid…. Then my Boss while dropping me home wanted to seriously find my broken tooth at the accident spot as he wanted a tower to be made in remembrance of it – with the tooth piece displayed in a glass case. When we all got home my colleagues had a nice shocker from my mom ..... as she was terrified to find both her daughters back home within an hour and more so because of the bandage she found on my leg – from knee to foot. She was more worried because she thought I had broken my leg and Guys will never marry a limping Imp :-P They all left me alone with my mom – to face my dad! - even after pleading so badly – of course I couldn’t go on my knees because of the abrasion. I was more terrified the way my pops would react to it – I kept guessing his reaction – something like “You Stupid Girl! How many times have I told you to drive in 20’s. Then this wouldn’t have happened. You would have escaped with minor cuts. Aah! Your vehicle is sealed! From tomorrow you are commuting – on bus- or by foot – or an auto – you can even fly if you grow wings. But no driving on land all by yourself” After pleading he might come to “Ok, Using your vehicle would be permitted if you can engage a driver else push your vehicle all the way “…..and that thought itself was horrifying…. I lay on bed thinking of the slips I can give... I suggested to my mom” Maa…I will quickly change into a pyjama to hide the bandage….No?...Of course I can’t hide it for 3 weeks…..Haan, A Good Idea, we can tell him I have fell off the stairs. Please….oh! We have to account for the broken tooth… Yeah! we can say that I broke it when I hit the wall while I was tumbling down the stairs… all the way from 2nd floor”…and my mom just then realized that she wasn’t going to hide things anymore from her pathidev !.. The bell rang and before I could quickly hide in my room – he came in and saw the bandage and gave me a shocker. He went into his bedroom very quietly and enquired with mom what happened….. and reaction was just a " Hummmuummm…..Ok…Give her the medicines Doc has prescribed"... me and my mom fainted…sprinkled water on each other… and pinched each other to believe …. In the evening he asked me to change quickly so that we can go to my Doctor Aunt for a quick review and also to the dentist. My aunt was horrified to see me in that bandage and furiously asked my father to just dispose off that 2 wheeler (which was just 5 months old). Then we went to the dentist. Dunno why he found us to be his students and not his patients. He quickly dragged down his chart and started explaining the Tooth!!!! I felt like - he wanted to make it clear to us that he did attend his first class in dentistry ….and suggested I go for a root canal treatment and splinting right away and the tooth will be crowned (sounded like crowning at a beauty contest) in 3 weeks. Then he drugged – drilled – ploughed – plunged for 1 ½ hours….. and finally said “ You can do whatever you want to, now?!Then my mom dropped me at my aunt’s place for the night as I couldn't bend/fold my leg to climb 2 stairs to my home- after having climbed to the dentist's place(I floor) twice....And radha akka, believe me - I look a sight me with my broken tooth......... good.... ,because I keep blackmailing my mom that I will not get the crowning done and that would result in nobody marrying me ........ playing her own sweet trick of emotional black mail on her..... Or I tell her I am all ready to get a new snap of mine in a saree for pellichoopulu with a big grin on my whoever it will be sent to will never ever look back and just run for their life.........and my mom was like "noorumuyy....pichi mokham, verri veshaalu veyyaku "..... I stayed over for the night and went home next day morning. I had a good weeping time whenever I went to my Doctor aunt to get the dressing done for the abrasion as my skin used to get peeled off along with the bandage strip .............. my aunt bujjaginchufying me....and my cousin, Ravi making fun of me...........and what not....all that attention...people calling me up and enquiring .......... good actually, people at least call you up that way...... and know what, another of my cousin, bujji annayya calls and asks me not to plough the roads with my teeth....... and stop cleaning/sweeping the roads with my bum........ and stop doing acrobatics/feats/skating on roads... as roads are meant to just drive or walk and not for any of those above mentioned acts ..... At office I get all the attention in the world..... chair dragged down to rest my foot........ giving me certain exemptions ....

Well well well ....enough of my accidental kahani....

So....but I bet you wouldn't have had such rocking time ....right ? Just kidding

We are just enjoying the aavakai and mango season....amma made garlic aavakai for me - especially....... but I still remember our aavakai days at madras, cleaning the mango pieces in the balcony downstairs, aavakai rice made at the end of mixing up - to clean up the basins and all............

So what else?

I had a terrific weekend. My cousins came down for the weekend, they spent the night with us...we played caroms - uno - chatted - and made sucha noise that the landlord almost had a heart attack .........

Phew..... I better stop now...... I have to get back to work.....


Love you tones


Me to Radha akka (US cousin) – on 17 May’05

Hey Radha akka!

Don’t worry! I'm just fine. The abrasion has healed partially and I need to go to the dentist in another couple of days for crowning.

Have to attend a marriage tomorrow, I don't know if I really want to with this broken tooth............. I feel like going because all my uncles and cousins would be there and we kids can have rocking time with no fear of our respective parent's chides well......but I need to wear a saree ...only then my mom would allow me to come......actually I have been enjoying the saree thing after we shifted here..... But the thing is when I wore it last time to a marriage ...people were like ..............."Oh my God! Is that you?!!!! You look so lovely girl! You sure have grown up (Gosh! You never noticed all along .From now on stop wearing all those idiotic stuff and shift to sare ..(F.. off! Don’t give me that stuff ..."........ and the moment they say mom is like " meeku thelisina sambandhamemanna vunte cheppandi.." and I am like ..." What?!......are you trying to sell me? hoon............ jaao...I’ll never ever attend another marriage wearing a saree..... I mean it's insulting man! I’m no thing to be displayed for sale"......... ....................................


Yours ever loving niece,


Me to Radha akka (
US cousin) – on 19 May’05

Well well well.......Guess what? I did attend the marriage; after all I couldn't afford to miss out on all that fun...just because of a broken tooth....... I did wear a silk saree...and later I sweated like a pig ..... No power in our office all y'noon..... and amidst there were clients at our place....... so I left home early.... and it took me a whole 1 1/2 hrs to get ready !!!!! Good that soumy wasn't back by then...or else she would have kicked my ass for locking myself in the bedroom for such a long time........actually we don't have a long mirror over what I do is, I switch off our monitor screen...or sometimes I even use the TV screen or the refrigerator..... and sometimes ...all together.... and I had to go stuffed in my aunt's car as the auto fella will not let me in - in addition to my mom, pops and soumy. And then, at the venue I just freaked with my cousins......people were like, "Oh! You are Narasimha rao's eldest daughter?...CA? "(People here were more sensible) ... and I was like ..... WOW! ....CA...has got such a high esteem in the society, but the real turmoil people go through to earn that .....well well well.... ...

And then when we headed for the dinner.......I did take rumali roti but refused to have poori.... much to my mom's dismay!!... She was like,” Girl take it, how can you survive on a single roti!!???..".and I was like...".NO, I don't want to have it for a reason"... and that reason I blurted it out after we returned, "Pssst..Mom, didn't you observe that fella was sweating like a pig and wiping his forehead with both his hands and serving pooris and jalebi.....Yack " wouldn't believe radha akka, they were all pinned upto neck..suit boot pehenke serving kar rahe they - in that sultriest atmosphere.....oh my god!.....

and then on our way back, we went for a drive on the necklace road....and Ravi was showing my other cousins the prominent places in the city.... "This is Buddha statue....Secretariat....IMax theatre....this way takes you to the station...this is the hospital where granny was hospitalized for chemo therapy......... if you take the left here , it takes you to X's mom's place.....AND ON TO YOUR RIGHT IS THE SPOT WHERE SOUNDARYA BROKE HER TOOTH " oh my god!....they were all like..:-).. :))..:-0...I was like " Shucks....... ........ Kick your ASS fella!!! Is that a prominent tourist spot or what?... “And he was like “ Ofcourse ! It’s more a Family tourist spot now. Someday – someone will find your broken tooth and build a charminar for it”….. “ You you you….Stop it! No sense to talk all such nonsense in front of kids”. “Oh! Sorry! I forgot I was with Kids (including me)”…….

Soo.......that's all about y'dayz pelli sandadi................

Love you,


My cousin was shocked to hear about the server’s antics

Me to Radha akka (US cousin) – on 21 May’05

Well......he (Server) was actually doing that radha akka....No, Who said we have changed?!!!!!! We can never ever change, even after 10 decades!!!! That's why my pops just hates to stay in this country...but I love to....because all my uncles....cousins........everyone is here......where in the world can you have such fun at marriages or get-togethers...or whatever........ Man! I’ll never ever leave my cousins........... I just love those I can really understand and imagine .... How yourself and bujji annayya used to enjoy our company.....
How could you even think of soumy wearing a saree?!/...... it's good that she at least wore a salwar.......... I'll surely try to send one of mine, in a saree.... of course I’ll have to wear it someday - just for you....and use the digi cam. And this time I’ll get some pics of my mom & dad also.........

and also my cousins........loooong list haaan.....

And about writing I’ve been seriously thinking about it for quite a long time.... but I thought I would do it for my personal pleasure.. I haven't thought about a paper.... But I did ask you to give me chances in your magazine... remember?.... So now I’ll pray hard that it gets kick started very soon....


Love you tonnes,


Monday, July 18, 2005


…………..That’s what I call my pet. His name is Tommy.


He was hardly 2 weeks pup when he landed into our lives. I still remember my sister bringing a Kismi toffee bar when I was in my Math class, our way of celebration. We were pestering our father to get us a new pet dog. We promised that we would take care of him….give him milk…take him out for his walk….. But we never knew we will have to clean his shit also….

One of my father’s friends got a couple of daschund puppies in a plastic and let them loose on the ground. One was jet black and one was brown. Both of them were rustling in opposite directions. My sister picked up the brown one (earlier we had a brown hound, may be she was a little emotionally affected in her decision) Lucky pig! She got the chance to pick up and there I was racking my brain with math problems…….. and that’s how tommy entered into our lives.


He was as small as my palm then……… so cute with jet-black eyes and drooping ears. Actually he is not a pure daschund, his mother was a cross between normal hound and daschund. So he didn’t inherit that typical daschund legs. All that night he couldn’t sleep. He was terrified of the new surroundings (poor fella). We put him in an enclosed basket scared that the cats might carry him away. All night he was pissing and shitting all over the room. And my sister (very smart at her evading nature) broke the promise of looking after the pup the next moment. She was horrified at the thought of cleaning dog’s shit. So me being the elder one had to attend to it all that night. The next day I was dozing in the class. This went on for a week, till he was assured that we were not his enemies – in fact his family.

HOW DO WE CALL HIM?!?!#!!!@@

Then came the debate about his name, I suggested sunny (Sunny scooter was just introduced then). But my sister was so stuck with Tommy. She vetoed it very furiously and successfully. She very well knew all the tricks of the trade – of getting things done her way and mastered it at quite a young age. And he was thus named TOMMY.


I used to give him his bath….powder him(Thank god he has no fur)…… Cut his nails…. Feed him….make his bed……put him to sleep…take him out for his walks…and once in a while clean his shit….. And there she used to play with him….in the process tear all the sheets (wrap it around her wrist when he was teething – shrewd kid she was)……get bitten… bite back in childish temper…….teach him all that dirty tricks…….


We never knew when he grew up…… though he was of a small built he was very strong. He literally used to drag me around when taken for a walk. I used to tell my mom in fun that it’s only till this side of the gate we take him out for his walk, once on the other side he will take us for a ride. Then on my father took up the job of his shikar (that’s his word for a walk).

He was growing up ….. slowly started wondering…………… and was very curious to know the world that was on the other side of the wall. His understanding was that there was freedom on the other side…………… whenever we were taking out our bikes to go for our classes, he used slip through the gate like fluid……….. he was as swift as wind….. and we were there playing kabbadi in the middle of the road ( kash we had a little more practice we would have ended up winning gold medal for India in the Olympics). Then started his extensive walks …….. Watering all the plants on both sides of the road (making sure none of them feels left out)…. Sniffing at people……..


Wondering what the huge animals (buffaloes) were made of…….. Staring at the strange wingy things ……… ready to pounce on to the other dogs, so proud and confident with his master next to him with the stick……… once he had the shock of his life when my father took him to show the camel….. he kept running around…. Puzzled ….and little scared………making slow grunts at the STRANGEST thing he had ever seen in his life………… Once there was a monkey sitting in our compound eating a fruit…… we were all busy closing the doors and windows never knew how he slipped through silently…. We were worried when we found him sniffing at the animal…. Slowly making advances…… and all of a sudden there was a big Phaat sound… the monkey slapped him for making advances and passes at her…… he came in immediately sulking so sweetly – his male ego was hurt. It was his favorite past time to quietly observe the squirrels and lizards …. lying down in the grass. And pigs, he was so sick of them… “Yack! Dirty foul smelling creatures”………Cats………initially he just hated the creatures… but later on when my mom started petting them….he used to just ignore and avoid……he used to pass by, next to them, royally as if he never knew them…. Has never met them earlier… and not bothered about their existence at all….. even if the cats were gnawing their teeth at him….The crows surely annoyed him, they had absolutely no sense at all - to crow when mom was making milk for him …… “Gosh! Noisy stupid creatures with strange wings” …… and sparrows were so dumb to disturb his master in his sleep. “Gosh! How and Why did God ever forget to give these stupid wingy creatures brains instead of those awful wings……………” He was so sincere at his job of silencing them when his master was napping… but never realized that he was the real one who was making all the noise in the world to wake up him up instead…. And when father woke up …..” Oh! God…see dumb idiots, now you woke him up…” Now he misses all that fun in this concrete jungle… all he gets to see here is human faces….. Everywhere… and once in a while a pigeon or two…… some of his own breed on the roads…..


He just loves Cakes- Pastries- Choco doughnuts- Ice cream- anything made of Sugar and Jaggery (usually known as Sweets)- Pizzas- Samosas- Aaloo curry- and all sorts of fries. He relishes Bitter gourd and we get to hear nice little lecture from our Pops “Watch and Learn, Even Tommy knows the nutritional value”……. and oh my my ! The look he gives when my father says that “You gals are such a disgrace to the family! I’m the True Heir!”


He just jumps at the word. “What? what did I hear you say? Come again? You mean it? WOW! Come, come…make it fast………(hopping all around the place)…. dumb hands you human beings have, can’t you leash me properly? and do pick up that stick. Enough, now I can’t wait…..”

The way he walks, “Who in the world would dare touch me?!, with my master on besides me with stick in his hand”. He is so reserved – polished – Page 3 types when a familiar person says “Hello Tommy!” - “Who the hell are you? Sorry! I don’t know you.”

And not at all friendly with any one of it’s own breed, “Gosh! These dogs are such stupid asses! Trying to make friends with all strangers?!”

Well well well…….


And by 8.30 P.M he is off to bed. Sulks till my father makes his bed. “Oh my God! When will my master ever learn? I can’t take it any longer, my eyes are ……. That’s for today, I’m Signinf off! Goodnight and Sweet drea….mmmmmmm…….ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Yesterday has been a memorable day for me - I cleared my C.A finally......once and for all.......

Well... I was terribly excited ........... and even now I'm. Today I kept calling up my parents every 2 hours to check out that it wasn't actually a dream..which I have been dreaming since 2 years. And even now I feel like it's still a dream. Hmmm...Dreamable dream I guess ;-) ....... mabbe I wouldn't believe it till I actually get to see my Certificate with my name inscribed on it.

I still remember the way my sister gave me the message - delicate celerity ;-) "Osey dunnapothu! Pass ayyave :-)"............ Even though I kept refreshing my result page every 10 seconds.... she was the one who gave me the news......and I couldn't believe it. I asked her to hold on so that I can check it out for myself. And I started crying..not able to believe colleagues were puzzled and worried. If you folks think that I have no belief at all in myself- you are totally on a wrong foot. Belief in believing yourself is totally different from belief to believe in circumstances........ forget it ;-)

But when my colleagues asked me for the marks - I was like I am not bothered, all I am concerned with is that four letter word PASS.

It has been my father's aim - to see me as a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, before my mom ties me off to a stupid bloke ;-)

Even now I haven't gotten rid of that delirious ecstatic state - all my relatives, friends, well-wishers calling me up to wish me............ as if I have achieved something Unachievable task like - cementing India-Pakistan brawl :-)

My family was more excited than I was!!!!!! They didn't sleep the night before my result whereas I was snoring rock hard...........and they were really amazed and at the same time happy that I would be troubling them less that way ;-)

And as soon as I conveyed it to my father - he just hooked on to the phone and is still on...........

And I would specifically mention all my 3 bosses - who permitted me to take off and join my family even though my Appraisal was scheduled at that time, and my colleague Anu who called me up in the night to personally wish me and my parents.

And if there is anybody who benefited most of it - it was undisputedly Tommy (our pet). He got to eat all the sweets in the world and also got to taste some icecream, which he didn't like much.....

So - thanks a lot to all of you guys/gals for sharing my unbound abundance of joy :-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Well well well.... It's been high time since i started posting. And Ripul (my boss whom i spoke about in my earlier blog
) is like "Sowndarya! Where is your blog that you promised?” All of them are waiting for that juicy stuff which they want me to write....... but i'll let that out of my kit later ;-).

I had a terrific weekend!!!!!! It all started with Geeta's (
Ripul’s wife & my other boss) PC crashing........ Of course I disapprove of it, but can't be helped!!! .... so...... we all planned to go out to Dharuni's place to play Pictionary. Actually Anu (my colleague) was in awe of the game when we played it on friday night and was fervently pushing it hard on us ;-) [As soon as she reads this statement, she would gently hurl my revolving chair to the other side of our office] ....... We rushed home and picked up the game - there was a rain storm of a sort – and we quickly drove to Dharuni’s place. Bechari Dharuni! Was quietly humming to herself, and we end it in a fierce – loud brawl!!!! The game of Pictionary started with Ripul picking up the teams (he thought he would better stay off the dames at the game) … it was Geeta & Dharuni which was very vehemently disapproved by on one and all, then it was me & Dharuni against Geeta & Anu. It lasted for nearly 3 hours…. Anu was drawing a whole bunch of trees depicting a jungle for “Werewolf”…… me was drawing a cute little pot for flush, and a card+gun+bay of Bengal for Cardigan bay….. geeta was drawing a pretty phone for dial, and a whole bunch of people for party… dharuni was drawing…… well well well… it wouldn’t end now. I better talk about our pictorial skills in another blog… In the meanwhile Dharuni cooked khichdi for a whole battalion!!!! We thought of diving into it but abandoned the idea ;-) ………….it was very yummy & we hogged on it trying to finish it off, but gave up in the middle. Lucky that we did that, because we provided for our next day’s lunch – Foresight! We returned to Geeta’s place as it was 11.30 in the night. We made some good hot tea for ourselves, remedy for overeating, and sat down chatting about childhood days – cricket – Miandad aping Kiran more in 92 world cup – boating in kolkatta streets in the rainy season – pssst…. gossips!!!!!....... All this lasted till 2 in the night. I woke up at 8.30 in the morning and found Ripul making yummy breakfast for us and Geeta gardening. We had a quiet breakfast – Indian version of Macaroni (Geeta garnished it with Indian spices) – ripe delicious papaya – and elachi tea [my contribution ;-)]. Then we thought we would go to the beauty parlour to attend to things that have been unattended for a long time (Ripul literally pushed us out of the house as he had to catch up on some quiet and peaceful sleep) We all walked down thinking of a morning walk but ended up panting for breathe. The beautician was busy and Anu rushed back to the hostel as she had her german class at 3 in the noon and it was already 12 then. I went for a hair trim (I rather call it a chop
) and felt so good after that. Geeta pampered herself with a head massage. In the meanwhile Dharuni dropped in at the parlor; she was bringing us kal ka khichdi ;-). She gave me company and furiously begged one and all to donate some clothing to Mallika Sherawat J.

Then we went home – Geeta modified the khichdi – had it with all sorts of pickles…… played scrabble…….. But I had to rush home as I was supposed to meet my friend & his fiancé at 5PM. I drove home like a mad bull….. Quickly changed – and my parents were like “Where are you going now?!! Oh! God!”, rushed to the rendezvous spot, jabbered with them for an hour and a half……. and it was 7Pm when I got home…… and I was terribly excited and elated because this was the first weekend in my life when I had such rocking/blasting/fun filled time……

Phew!!! That was my weekend……..

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hi Folks! This is Sowndarya........ ready to take on..... thanks to my Boss (Forewarning: You might say after sometime, " Oh! My God! Why did he ever do that ???!!!!!") , who told me about this wonderful site where you can just pamper yourself as well as others. Shall start posting once I am done with polishing my writing skills - actually i do have some stuff which just needs to be rephrased. So ...................... chill out till then. Bye.